4.9(20 reviews)

FinTech Unleashed: React Native Excellence by Andersen"

Victory Plaza, 3090 Nowitzki Way, Suite 30, Dallas, Texas 75219, United States

Software Development Project for Health Care Company

Dental businesses IT solution

Health Care
United States
About company

TaskDent is a Texas based dental care provider dealing with large volumes of medical and business data. The CEO has reached out to Andersen for a reliable solution needed to securely store sensitive records that would be instantly accessible from any business location.

Originally, TaskDent used spreadsheets to keep its dental and business records. However, there was simply too much heterogeneous data that could not be handled and effectively processed this way.

 Project details

An advanced monitoring dashboard with a user-friendly interface to provide all-in-one platform, accurate, and timely tracking of healthcare business numbers. The platform is capable of receiving and arranging data from all of its industry-specific data sources and websites, and provides for effective management of accounts, revenues, expenses etc. Andersen’s task was to ensure that the solution is able to obtain, store, process, and provide easy and HIPAA compliant access to multi-faceted data. The number of data points is plenty, encomassing physicians and their performance, patient medical records, healthcare facilities and their incomes, expenditures, etc.

App functionality
  • Keeping track of income, expenses and overall financial status ensured by up-to-date metrics and analytics algorithms
  • User profiles and accessibility rights defined by admins only
  • Intelligent structure of calculations and charts based on the uploaded numbers
  • Convenient data input - manual or automated upload - and reports generation based on this data
  • Assignment of Daily and monthly tasks to prevent any discrepancies
  • Increased scalability as well as simpler intergrations and migration due to the AWS-based data

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