Greg Pradoura

Greg Pradoura

For more than 4 years now, Greg has been helping business owners in their expansion.

Pre Falcon Street 12, Annecy, 74940, France

Greg Pradoura Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Since 2010, Greg Pradoura has been working as a marketing strategist and entrepreneur in France. After beginning his career in content marketing for a variety of companies, he moved on to become an internet seller in the interior design industry. Greg Pradoura was a consultant in a digital and marketing business in Paris in addition to being responsible for the management of sixty places of sale for a major French franchise network.

Greg has been assisting company proprietors with their internet-based strategies for business growth and local development for more than four years at this point. Greg has already been successful in increasing his customers' incomes by several hundred thousand euros.

In addition, Greg has spent the past year working on the development of new marketing products that hope to generate rapid growth and more business on the internet. These new marketing products are designed to be straightforward, efficient, and available to everyone.
Pre Falcon Street 12, Annecy, 74940, France

Greg Pradoura Services

Greg Pradoura Clients

  • The Rider Post
  • Enlarge your Paris
  • Open Runner