4.9(15 reviews)

Deep tech expertise for SME

Park Road, Cardinal Point, Rickmansworth, Rickmansworth, WD3 1RE, United Kingdom

Software Development Project for Health Care Company

Educational Platform for Mental Health Awareness

Health Care
Industry: EdTech, Healthcare

Project type: Web app

Project description:
Developing a custom multifunctional Edtech solution for a European company. The platform combines features of a modern LMS, authoring system, and tutorial software.

Business impact:
At the end of the development stage, our customer received a fully custom web solution that perfectly meets all the companies business requirements. Its introduction led to a visible productivity boost as many tasks such as invoicing, notifications, and user management were fully automated. 
The participants have particularly noted that the new system is extremely intuitive and easy to work with. Consequently, the customer satisfaction rate and client retention have also improved significantly.

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