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We make the impossible case possible.

675 North First Street Suite 1240, San Jose, California 95112, United States
Project type
  • Web Design
  • App Development
  • Software Development
  • eCommerce
  • Education
  • Energy & Mining
  • Finance
  • Health Care
  • HR
  • Manufacturing
  • Media & Communications
  • Retail
  • Social Networks
  • Software & IT Services
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Wellness & Fitness
  • Beauty
  • Travel
  • Electronics
  • Other
  • United States
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Under $1,000
  • $1,000 - $10,000
  • $10,000 - $25,000
  • $25,000 - $50,000
  • $50,000 - $100,000
  • $100,000 - $250,000
  • $250,000 - $500,000
  • $500,000 - $1,000,000
  • Over $1,000,000

Mobile App Development Project for Wellness & Fitness Company

Algori: Motivational Quiz App
Client Name:
Wellness & Fitness
United States
Algori is a motivation quiz app that helps the users to enhance their mental, physical, and emotional well-being. With Algori, users can benefit with Motivational eCourse and personalized suggestions that incline their life towards positivity. The app analyses individual’s motivation based on 40 scientific factors and identifies the key areas that impact them. Algori coach compares the user’s scores to the ideal scores based on extensive research and offers them with personalized advice on ways to lead a positive life by maximizing productivity, overcoming procrastination, developing confidence, besides many others.

Mobile App Development Project for Social Networks Company

BirthDyte: Location-based Matchmaking App
Client Name:
Social Networks
United States
Birthdyte is an incredible app for those seeking universally compatible people. It acts as an instant connection medium between the individuals who are most compatible according to their zodiac signs. With Birthdyte, a user receives the list of most well-matched individuals as suggestions. They can filter their search through parameters such as age, gender, signs, etc. Not only this, it has an amazing nearby functionality that enables you to discover the matches within a particular location. A built-in chat system of this app enables the users to connect with the each other to form a long-lasting relationship.

Mobile App Development Project for Retail Company

CS Loyalty- Reward-based Shopping Application
Client Name:
CS Loyalty
CS Loyalty is a reward-based shopping application that enables customers to make a purchase through Carmen Steffens eStore. The application benefits users by facilitating an easy reward points management and redeem them while making the next purchase. The excellent push notification feature of this app helps the shoppers to stay updated with upcoming offers and discounts. By maintaining a history of loyalty point redemption, the app is comprehensive reward-tracking tool that offers prime user experience.

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Mobile App Development Project for Transportation & Logistics Company

iLorry- GPS-based Vehicle Tracking System
Client Name:
Transportation & Logistics
iLorry is an emerging logistics solutions provider that leverages GPS-based technology to connect shippers, fleet, and truck owners across India. iLorry app can be used by shippers to book a goods carrying vehicle with a single button on your phone. The booking request would go to fleet and truck owners in vicinity and they would accept the request. The bookings are processed at a fixed rate decided by Administrator. The shippers , fleet and truck owners can further take the advantage of all tracking features built into the app. After booking , the shippers can track the shipment and estimate the arrival time. Also fleet and truck owners can keep an eye on the speed and path of the truck.

Mobile App Development Project for Beauty Company

Salonch: App to connect salon, spa and barbershop owners with licensed beauty industry staff
Client Name:
United States
Salonch App connects salon, spa and barbershop owners with licensed beauty industry staff. Business owners showcase their salon, spa or barbershop and what makes their salon unique, and what they have to offer to attract the beauty professional.

Web Design Project

Deals of Canada : An Online Deals and Coupons-based Website for Canada
Client Name:
Deals of Canada
A deal based website for Canadians to find the best deals and online coupons in different category of products and purchase the same from the affiliate programmers and advertisers.

Mobile App Development Project for Finance Company

Conference Whiz: Conference Review App
Client Name:
Conference Whiz
United States
With Conference Whiz App, our client wanted to bring conferences, expos, seminars, conventions and trainings held around the world under a single platform. The app allows its users to review the conferences they have attended, keep track of their favorite events and provide an insight about their benefits and loopholes thereby saving both time and money. Conference Whiz, today is one of the most successful conference listing and reviewing apps where user can keep track of their favorite events and share those with their friends.

Mobile App Development Project for Finance Company

Time & Expense: Payroll Management & Reporting Tool
United States
The client happens to be one of the leading entrepreneurs in the US who envisioned to provide a systematic and organized solution to the inbound payroll management system. Turning his dream into reality, we created Time & Expense - a web and mobile payroll management reporting tool that provide enterprises with complex time management requirements. The app is one of industry’s best automated web and mobile application offering an easy system for employees and HR team to view, edit and update information for every possible payroll constraint.

Mobile App Development Project for Travel Company

EnnQ Travel: Beacon-based Content delivery System
Client Name:
EnnQ Travel: Beacon
United States
The goal behind EnnQ is to make travel a lot more engaging and informative without the need to spend hours on research and planning before your trip. EnnQ is a location based content delivery platform to help users improve their engagement. The content can be audio tours telling you more about the world around you, video content or images that will let others gauge into your most recent experiences. All content sharing is done seamlessly with minimum interaction with your device, so you can stop and enjoy the moment. Just download the cities you are interested in and start exploring.

Mobile App Development Project for Social Networks Company

Kudoz- Referral-Based Marketing App
Client Name:
Social Networks
Kudoz is an emerging digital platform that helps the businesses leverage the power of “word of mouth marketing”. It fosters simple referral marketing wherein users can browse through the businesses and recommend the favorite ones to their contacts. Every successful referral wins the referrer as well as his contact reward points, which they can spend on the business. With Kudoz, business representatives can also carry out dedicated marketing campaigns for their businesses. It additionally features an innate chat system that allows the users to communicate with the business representatives for their queries and suggestions. Kudoz, therefore, fosters a network of customers and businesses which drives profit for both.

Mobile App Development Project for Manufacturing Company

Siemens- Partner Directory App
Client Name:
The MindSphere Partner Locator enables app users (Siemens employees) to use a wide range of search variables to identify an appropriately skilled partner to engage in end-user MindSphere opportunities. So basically the app acts as a partner directory for the Siemens employees. Employees can search based on various filters like Region, Countries, Vertical, Subvertical, etc and get the list of partners. They can also view detailed information of partners and the point of contact for them and contact details.

Web Design Project for Media & Communications Company

VirTry: Virtual Fitting Room for Headphones
Client Name:
Media & Communications
United States
Virtry is an attempt to help users virtually try on different headphones and get an idea of how comfortable will it be to use them before making a purchase. Matellio backed it up by innovating this trial based service website where you are can try on headphones on the platform and share the best look on social media. You can also edit and customize headphones according to individualistic choices. Processing and editing options allows users to customize images on pre-set parameters like color effect, brightness, frame, text, erase, sticker and draw.

Web Design Project for Software & IT Services Company

Vcard Global Web- Digital Card and Contact Manager
Client Name:
Vcard Global Web
Software & IT Services
United States
Vcard Global is a digital business card and contact manager mobile & web application offering financial freedom to customers. It serves as a networking power tool for marketers. Users can instantly share business cards, add hundreds of contacts or tell a personal story. Contact information are automatically updated and are shared by scanning QR codes, bumping phones, text messaging or emailing.

Mobile App Development Project for Energy & Mining Company

LandscApper- SAAS Application for Digitizing Records of Landscaping Businesses
Client Name:
Energy & Mining
United States
LandscApper is a web and mobile application developed to manage the work process of a Landscape management company and its work orders. Admin can create work orders and assign a team of workers and supervisor to work on it. The supervisor can login and view assigned project information, add/edit used materials and hours of each crew member on the project. Admin can also track the work progress and bill a client for completed work.

Web Design Project for Electronics Company

Tracking Genie: GPS-based Vehicle Tracking
Client Name:
Tracking Genie
United States
Tracking Genie is a vehicle tracking solution combining sophisticated GPS tracking technology with flexible, advanced mapping and reporting software. The device assists in fleet management and the hardware upon installation in the vehicle automatically communicates the GPS satellite to acquire precise location which is received by the state-of-the art servers. The server in turn process the data and prepare the reports for you which can be accessed via this website or using the Tracking Genie mobile app.

Mobile App Development Project for Transportation & Logistics Company

Foxrey: On-Demand Service Marketplace
Client Name:
Transportation & Logistics
Internet has made it possible for service providers to accumulate on a single platform and outsource its services. Foxrey is an on-demand multiservice application and marketplace built for customers and service providers. Our client is the CEO and Founder of Foxrey and is an integral part of the transportation service industry in Stockholm, Sweden.  He came up with an improved concept to have such a multiservice application built. Complying with his demand, our app has been offering same day and pre-scheduled professional help to potential customers under various categories at the lowest possible quote.

Web Design Project for eCommerce Company

Brideside- e-Commerce Platform for Bridesmaid Dresses
Client Name:
United States
Brideside is a shopping destination which enriches the wedding journey for brides, grooms and their wedding parties by providing beautiful products, expert knowledge and personalized care.

Web Design Project for Education Company

Client Name:
United States

Lobox is a social media platform that connects professionals globally. Users across diverse verticals can use the platform to hunt for jobs and reach out to the opportunities directly. The platform also enables HR professionals to list their companies and expand their horizon to the global community of job-seeking professionals. Users looking for jobs can simply follow the companies and request for an interview there. Once received, the officials of that particular company can either accept or reject the requests. With its innate messenger, users can communicate with each other using an extremely simple UI and stay updated through the features like instant notifications, dynamic newsfeeds, etc. Besides this, Lobox also features exemplary eLearning functionality wherein users can register themselves as instructors and organize online classes or video conferences for the worldwide knowledge-seekers.

Technology Stack

Language: Java 1.8, HTML, JQuery, JavaScript
Framework: Spring Boot, Hibernate, AngularJS 4, Bootstrap v3.3.7
Database: Neo4j, MySQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch
Development tool: Eclipse
Web services: Rest API
Server: AWS
Others: SSL, Apache Kafka

Mobile App Development Project for Media & Communications Company

Ready for Social
Client Name:
Ready for Social
Media & Communications
United States

Ready for Social is an amazing social media management tool. It offers an innovative new way to schedule your post across social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. This interactive mobile app makes on-the-go social sharing much easier by allowing the registered users to create and publish texts, images, videos, and much more through an easy to use interface. In addition, users can also benefit with this mobile application by getting updated view of their Twitter newsfeed. With Ready for Social, users are exposed to an all new fun way to share their thoughts not only across social platforms but also with people on RFS as well.

Technology Stack
Language: JavaScript, PHP, Swift (iOS), Java (Android)

Framework: CakePHP
Database: MySQL
Development Tool: Xcode and Android Studio
Web Services: REST Api
Payment Gatway: Stripe
Server: AWS
Others: SSL

Software Development Project for Software & IT Services Company

Client Name:
Software & IT Services
United States

'Ostrij' is an innovative Salesforce integration tool, which was hatched with an idea to solve the problem of connecting multiple applications to Salesforce. It helps the users/companies to keep their data in sync with various tools like Slack, Shiftbord, WorkFront, JIRA, Quickbooks, etc. over Salesforce. The user can simply subscribe to the services available and create various type of flows to sync all the data (Data Sync Flows) or to sync the data based on certain conditions (Conditional Flows), for the available tools in the application

Technology Stack

Language: JavaScript, PHP (cake 3)
Framework: CakePHP
Database: MySQL
Server: AWS
Others: SSL

Software Development Project for Education Company

Client Name:
United States

IEEE EAB is a great eLearning portal that helps engineering students and teachers to be a part of more worthwhile learning ecosystem. It features a wide range of informative resources to help students clear their concepts of corresponding topics. Students and teachers can browse through the pieces and filter them on basis of the age, categories, trending topics, and a lot more. Not only this, but it also helps the students get information on various universities, engineering fields, games, and events, to help them make informed choices. IEEE EAB also gives the teachers a great platform wherein they can prepare their lesson plans, reach out to the students, and plan up the classroom activities using the tool.

Technology Stack

Language: PHP, JQuery, Ajax
Framework: Wordpress
Database: MySQL
Server: AWS UBUNTU with Apache
Others: Load more and filter post custom functionality

Mobile App Development Project for Health Care Company

Pharmacy Delivery App
Health Care
  • Business Consulting
  • Web Development
  • iOS Development
  • Android Development

Software Development Project for Software & IT Services Company

Future Aerial
Client Name:
Future Aerial
Software & IT Services
United Kingdom

Future Aerial is the ultimate solution that offers efficient Drone Management to its users. It helps the drone owners as well as the managers with an exclusive interface that enables comprehensive management on-the-go. Clients can use this platform to raise a request for the drone for their dispatch using simple innate interface. Once requested, the order requirement is passed on to the service provider who can then accept/ reject it. This tool also makes it easier for the professionals to carry out planning and mapping for the drone to facilitate hassle-free flight management. Future Aerial, thus, is an amazing tool that makes drone management convenient and simple.

Technology Stack

Language: JavaScript, PHP (Yii2)
Framework: Yii2
Database: MySQL
Server: AWS

Software Development Project for Transportation & Logistics Company

Client Name:
Transportation & Logistics
United States

Air Fusion is an AI-based turbine management system that functions across the USA. The solution works seamlessly to offer the benefits of reduced maintenance cost and decreased risk to human resource. It integrates with the well-managed system of drones that captures images of the turbines and uploads them on the server for the analysts to view. They analyze the images to identify the spots of damage which are compiled into a report using the intuitive user interface. These system-generated reports are then transported to the clients for taking suitable action.

Technology Stack

Language: C#(Web API)
Framework: Angular JS, Angular6
Database: SQL Server
Development Tool: Visual Studio, VSCode
Web Services: WEB API
Server: Azure

Web Design Project for HR Company

Kipawa Hub
Client Name:
Kipawa Hub

Kipawa Hub offers a digital employment solution for users seeking job opportunities and the employers who are looking for a great team across Africa. It pioneers in providing a full array of job seeking, career management, recruitment, and talent management products and services. Registered recruiters, independent consultant, established employment agency, executive search firm or professional headhunters can use this tool to post the job vacancies and explore the top-rated CVs curated by the partner portals. As a job seeker, you can benefit from Kipawa Hub by expanding your reach beyond geographies and impressively present your portfolio.

Technology Stack

Language: JavaScript, PHP (Yii2), Angular 4, Materialise
Framework: Yii2
Database: MySQL
Server: AWS

Software Development Project for Finance Company

Client Name:

Dufseth is a ground-breaking platform to benefit users with end-to-end funeral services. This portal provides the end users with a comprehensive range of post-death rites' products and assistance, all sorted in a single place. With Dufseth, users can explore the products filtering them according to the price range and also, make and manage the required bookings in a few clicks. With an intuitive user interface, users can perform a search within their city to pay tribute to their loved ones with top-rated products.

Technology Stack

Language: PHP, JQuery, Ajax
Framework: Wordpress
Database: MySQL
Server: AWS UBUNTU with Apache