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100% Focused on Apps

Przasnyska str., nr 6, lok. 65, Warsaw, 01-756, Poland

Mobile App Development Project for Health Care Company

E-commerce app development

Health Care
About the project
Natural Health is a manufacturer and online store of eco-products with worldwide delivery and a built-in loyalty program. Users can place and pay orders directly from the application, receive cashback, invite friends and track their statistics.

- Increase online store sales by creating a mobile application for customers
- Attract new customers and retain the existing ones thanks to the built-in loyalty program
- Give customers from Europe, the CIS, and Asia the ability to place orders and pay them thanks to 6 language versions.


Only 3 months after the start of development, we released an MVP version of the application in Russian and English. Thanks to the MVP, users were able to place and pay orders, as well as earn cashback. This allowed the client to increase store sales and start making money with the app without waiting until the end of its development.

During further development, our team integrated the clients ERP and CRM systems into the project so that the product would bring maximum business value.

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