Gogoro Colorful Homepage

It seems like every day people are becoming more aware of their environmental impact. Leveraging environmental or social impact is a great way to draw the audience into a brand narrative. Gogoro, an eco-friendly electric scooter company, brilliantly utilizes their storytelling power in their website.

Theirdeep scroll home page reads HELLO in large, sans serif typeface across the top, immediately engaging the audience in conversation. The white font against the bright blue background instantly wakes up the eyes.

Gogoro web page doesn’t waste time in introducing their main draw. Right below the HELLO is a photo of their main product, the Smartscooter. The picture is crisp, but only features the top of the scooter, encouraging the audience to continue scrolling to see more.

Beneath the main picture are three smaller pictures. These photos feature more bright colors, continuing the clean, but youthful feel of the homepage. These pictures link to the Gogoro blog, again encouraging the audience to become engaged in their brand narrative. They further highlight the sustainability narrative by featuring green colors and the hashtag #nopollution.

The bottom of the home page offers a series of crisp animations that echo the green and blue color scheme of the rest of the page. The animations tell the story of Gogoro’s environmental and community impact, further appealing to the user’s sustainable conscious.

Gogoro Colorful Product Page

On the home page, a “learn more” button is framed by the handlebars of the scooter, immediately drawing the user’s eyes to the link. This link brings the user to a deep scroll landing page for their newest product, the Gorogo 2 Series Smartscooter, which echoes the vibrant colors, clean font, and youthful aesthetic of the homepage, conveying strong brand cohesion. The immediate draw to the main product conveys excellent UI.

The landing page for the Gorogo 2 Series is more than twice as long as the homepage, but information is broken up into short, easily digestible segments differentiated by color and animation. Each section features a high-quality photo or animation that keeps the audience continuously engaged with the product or narrative.

The simple yet charming animations, youthful color scheme, and high resolution photography convey the same creativity Gorogo applies to their innovative, clean energy solutions.

Gogoro is a colorful website design in the Automotive and Engineering industries.