Oakley Awesome Homepage

Stand out in any crowd with the perfect pair of sunglasses designed with you in mind. Trust Oakley to help you find that pair of sunglasses, whether for everyday use or sport wear.

The best way to sell anything to anyone is to showcase it! To make you want it. And that’s exactly the approach Oakley takes with their website to optimize the impact it has on you. As you land on their home page, a daring slider of images vibrantly shows off the latest and greatest of their products. The photographs are crisp and clear, quickly engaging your interest as you look. Combined with the sale prompt photograph displays, the home page works hard to build your impulse and intrigue with stunning visuals. The longer you stare, the more you can see yourself wearing a pair of these sunglasses.

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Oakley Awesome Product Page

With your interest piqued, take a dive on the wild side to create your very own custom pair of Oakley sunglasses. Oakley makes it a blast to design a pair of sunglasses on their interactive platform. The page makes use of a white background where the majority of the page fills up with a near life size model of what you’ve designed. The choice of white is a brilliant way to make sure your color options you have are easily visible. It makes so your budding project is clear and beautifully displayed on the page!

Oakley Awesome Blog Page

Keep up with the going-ons of Oakley and the sports world through the company’s blog. A stunning photographic based page, you’ll find yourself perusing through a beautiful grid of images. Sizes vary for a dynamic appearance that gives the page variety as you scroll. Muted lighting creates a darkened effect that lets each post title easily become the center of your attention. The combination is simple and a great way to make sure the content of the posts draw your attention rather than the imagery.

Oakley creates stunning products and relies on letting the product speak for itself in a user friendly design. The incorporation of a create your own product page amplifies makes for an interactive user experience that encourages further involvement on the company website.

Oakley is an awesome website design in the E-commerce & Retail, Fashion & Beauty and Sports & Leisure industries.

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