Peugeot Hybrid4 Creative Website Design

Peugeot HYbrid4 Presents the Hybrid Graphic Novel is self-explanatory. This website is a graphic novel in which a hero embarks on a mission and switches between the four travel modes of Peugeot's new technology.

In a very Matrix-like atmosphere, the comics show the hero in different action moments, like facing her enemies, running from vicious dogs, and getting away on the top of a van (ambient sound included), as the user scrolls through the website using clean parallax effects. As the action unfolds, the user is presented the four travel modes of the HYbrid4 technology, so the information is given in a fun and non-intrusive way.

This website combines a good story with great graphics, ensuring its a pleasant experience for all users.

Peugeot is a creative website design in the Arts & Recreation and Automotive industries.

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