VR Fest Mexico Cool Print Design

VR Fest is the first immersive experience festival in Mexico, exploring the art and technology behind virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. The festival identity and collateral was produced by Futura, a local creative branding agency. The designers at Futura collaborated to design the identity of the festival, which they took as a challenge because they wanted to avoid being explicit in their meaning. They wanted the festival to create a distance from regular tech tendencies, and to disregard the obvious.

VR Fest Mexico Cool Print Design

Futura designers decided to explore new tools and processes, and used new software to create volumetrics that represent beautiful physical environments around the world, like rice fields in Vietnam, waterfalls in Igazú, or the mud volcanoes in Azerbaiyán. The print design accurately reflects the festival identity, resembling a virtual reality pattern in different colors.

The color pallete is synthetic: multiple tones of blue, indigo, violet, and pink, which play off of each other to create different hues and shades. The colors used are meant to represent modern pop culture and a strident colorimetry, which is easily recognizable from a distance and can be used across materials used in different festival products.

VR Fest Mexico Fun Print Design

The design manages to convey that the festival is not a typical tech gathering. The print design of the VR Fest is fun, flowy, and futuristic, completely on brand with the identity of the festival.

VR Fest Mexico Print Design

The print also contains the term “VR” in constrasting shades, meant to complement as well as ensure that the logo stands out. Across the products, the same colors have been used, uniting the branding and creating a symmetry in design. The font used is a blocky white, on the heavier side and clearly readable. It manages to stand out against the motley colors in the background, and is well-balanced and adequately spaced.

VR Fest Mexico is a fun print design in the Entertainment, Hospitality and Technology industries.