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- App designed by Cynthia Salgado
- 135
Standout Features:
- Intuitive and simple UX
- Funky 2D illustrations
- Pastel, earthy colors
The Bloom app, crafted by Cynthia Salgado, combines simplicity, empathy, and whimsy to create a functional and supportive tool for women to regain their fitness and well-being.
The app provides an intuitive and streamlined user experience, as the setup asks users only for names and to pick desired goals. This way, users can dive straight into the app’s features without protracted registration processes.
Once set up, users can effortlessly access progress stats, edit their profile, and adjust other settings via a hamburger menu. It allows users to keep track of their objectives and gain emotional awareness. It also helps them curate exercise plans and earn digital stickers as rewards for their achievements!
Lastly, the fun 2D illustrations of women exercising add a heartwarming touch. These quirky drawings motivate users and personify the community while encouraging them to achieve fitness goals. Dressed in soft pastel and earthy colors, these visuals reinforce the app’s supportive and nurturing environment.
- App designed by Cynthia Salgado
- 135
- Industries:Android and iOS