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Standout Features:
- Streamlined UI
- Inspirational, AI-powered chatbot
- Personalized closet feature
The Capsule app design by Gina Chee exemplifies how a minimalist approach can create an engaging, user-friendly platform for styling clothes.
The streamlined user interface employs simple fonts and subdued colors, allowing users to engage with the app without distraction from unnecessary decorative elements. To enhance the app's navigation and accessibility, the designer used a straightforward three-category bottom menu: Home Page, Style, and Your Closet.
The inspirational, AI-powered chatbot in the Style section is a key functional element. Users can quickly generate outfits by describing an article or uploading a picture, making the styling process efficient and enjoyable!
The best part? A personalized closet feature helps users track previously styled clothing items. This allows the chatbot to offer recommendations tailored to users' needs. Alternatively, Capsule provides a non-storing option, which ensures a simplified experience that still provides valuable assistance.
- Industries:Fashion & Beauty