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- App designed by Bharath Kumar
- 160
Standout Features:
- Networking features
- Clear plant categorization
- Modern and legible typography
Bharath Kumar created an app design that offers a unique social experience for plant lovers. It isn't just a tool for plant care reminders and tips. It is also a place for sharing ideas and building connections!
The app provides a space for people to share their plants and connect with like-minded individuals. The communication features nurture a community among plant enthusiasts.
The color scheme embraces the plant theme, with green as the primary color. Various colors for the app's icons and buttons contrast this green palette.
Additionally, precisely categorizing plants into outdoor/indoor sections and framed content blocks make navigation a breeze.
The app’s concise information simplifies the user experience. The Roboto font makes it easy to read and offers a streamlined look, ensuring legibility across all devices, especially on smaller screens.
- App designed by Bharath Kumar
- 160
- Tags:Plant