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Most of us know that yoga is a powerful practice to de-stress, connect with the breath, and fine-tune our fitness, but very few of us have the time to make it to a scheduled yoga class regularly.
The Lotus app is designed to make yoga accessible to everyone, regardless of how much free time they have in the day.
The app allows users to practice yoga from the comfort of their own home, and to take their practice on the road with them wherever they travel.
On the Lotus app users will find more than 500 classes and poses to choose from. Users have the option to follow along with a class, or to build their own practice from the poses listed in the app.
This is amazing feature for more advanced practitioners who know what they’re hoping to work on, but want a way to stay on track during their practice.
The content on the app is also divided into categories based on goals, so users can choose an area of focus (such as toning and fat burn, yoga for sports performance, etc.) and customize a regimen based on those goals.
The Lotus app features an intuitive navigation, with a tabbed menu running along the bottom of the screen to give users pathway to content. The design is defined by large imagery demonstrating poses, and a cheerful color palette punctuating the experience and highlighting key content. Lotus is an exception yoga resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and fitness.
Lotus is a fun app design in the Sports & Leisure industry.
- Industries:Health & Wellness Sports & Leisure