10 Best Interactive Website Designs in 2023-2024

10 Best Interactive Website Designs in 2023-2024
Article by DesignRush DesignRush
Last Updated: April 17, 2024

If your website doesn't play the part, users won't engage with it. Forty percent of users will leave, in fact, if they find the layout of your website disorganized and chaotic.

Web design trends are constantly in flux, with the integration of new design elements becoming imperative to keep users engaged and excited. Whether it's changing up the color scheme, playing with gradients, adding animation, introducing photography, or upping your UX design, it's important that brands constantly asses their web development projects and improve them. To ensure your website is aligned with leading market trends, consider partnering with professional web design companies. These experts can effectively guide you through the fast-changing digital world.

An increasingly popular trend in the world of web design has been the introduction of interactive and responsive website elements to give users a more pleasing and engaging user experience throughout their journey. The best IT solutions companies are leading the charge in developing these elements, recognizing their essential role in modern user experience.

User interactivity is on the rise in the realm of design and development, and it's likely that more and more organizations will jump on this bandwagon with their web designs. And for good reason. People want user-centered design, so why not get the user involved?

Adding interactive elements to your web page can increase the time users spend on your web page, heighten brand awareness and show off the design talent and creativity of your brand as a whole.

Brands can do this by introducing scroll-triggered animations or micro-interactions to their web pages -- this gets users involved by allowing them to provide real-time feedback. It also makes for a more dynamic and exciting experience, pointing users' attention exactly where you want it.

With companies beginning to incorporate these design elements into their designs, it's important you start flexing those creative muscles.

People don't want to just look anymore, they want to touch too. They want to feel like they are a part of the experience, not just a witness to it all. Interactive website designs are a stimulating way to make users feel like they matter and like they are taking an active role.  

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10 Interactive Website Designs To Inspire Your Next Web Project

1. 50 Years Of Swiss Music Charts 

50 Years Of Music Interactive Website Design

Music has always been an interactive experience, but the 50 Years Of Swiss Much Charts websites takes that idea to a whole new level with its engaging and immersive web design.

This website is made up of a constellation of songs -- leading users from year to year with a few swipes and clicks of their mouse. The gradient background pulls you in while your mouse movement literally takes you on a musical journey.

This minimal and modern website design is extremely engaging and gives users an experience they won't forget.

After a quick and seamless loading process, the website comes alive with movement and interactive elements. This website is quite literally created in the image of a universe, and users get a 360-degree view of all the songs that have captured audiences over the last 50 years like they're looking at the stars in the night sky.

Clicking on a "star" or year brings you to a specific song, where users are greeted with information about its title, its artist and the year it was recorded. In the distance, other songs hang like distant solar systems.

Users quite literally travel through time and space in this design with the click of their mouse and the scrolling of the page. They can travel to the past and back again, and these interactive features really make for an experience users feel innately a part of.

2. Apps 

interactive web design

Apps is a cider distillery that offers cider drinkers a very interactive, immersive and fun experience through its website design. 

Using bright colors, vivid photography and direct calls to action, Apps is fully committed to getting users involved throughout the cider experience.

When users get to the webpage, they are greeted with a granny smith green loading page before getting hit with a full and plentiful apple tree. Users are then prompted to "start" their journey by clicking start.

From here, the site prompts them to play along by pressing letter keys on their screen to learn more about the cider-making process and the ciders these booze enthusiasts create.

When you click the corresponding letter, an apple falls and you are brought through animations of an apple becoming a bottle of cider. 

After spelling out Apps, you are brought to the product page. These vivid animations and images are complemented by bold, white typography that clearly spells out the message and the journey.

You're then brought to a screen where each product gets its own slide. You learn about the products and can swipe through the offerings. Each cider flavor slides through with the help of bright color gradients.

It's bright. It's bold. And it's extremely fun. The designers behind this website made sure they got to play around a bit -- and made sure visitors got to as well.

3. Climber 

interactive web site design

Climber is an interactive production company that focuses on really good design -- this is extremely evident when you look at their web page.

When you first open the page, you're greeted with a wave-like motion that acts like the loading screen. These waves of color wash up the screen, revealing the landing page beneath it.

Beneath the soft and funky loading film, you're greeted with stunning photography, cute illustrations and bold, sans-serif typography. This instantly grabs your attention and reels you in. The way this entire site flows together so organically and so fluidly truly is a dream come true.

Each landing page is represented at the top of the page by a floating badge. When you go to move your cursor over these badges, they bounce and move with the movement of your mouse.

The designers behind this web page wanted to create a seamless and fun experience when users landed on their web pages.

Slides run smoothly, pages load with cool and funky movement, and colors blend effortlessly. You're guided in a clean and calming way through your journey -- all the while getting a glimpse at the artistic ability that lies within.

4. Tesla 

Tesla Interactive Website Design

Tesla's website design puts their cars front and center, letting their majesty do all of the hard work.

This website design is immersive, fluid and seamless. Videos play automatically, features come alive and users get a very up close and personal look at the cars Tesla has to offer.

The first thing you're greeted with when you land on the homepage is a video that starts automatically showing a car driving along a winding dirt road. It's inspiring and immediately eye-catching. This dynamic video design choice fully immerses the user in this world.

Elegant and stunning, this video welcomes the user and introduces them to what Tesla can do from them, and what their life could be like if they choose to purchase one of these sleek and modern vehicles.

From here, users can get a look at the different models, understand safety features and get the full Tesla experience.

More videos live on the website to engage and inform, and dynamic 360-degree moving images allow users to navigate their own Tesla car to get a better look and understanding of what these cars have to offer.

Interaction is kicked up a notch too when you get to the "build your own Tesla" page, where you can quite literally build your own Tesla model.

This website design is fluid, eye-catching and elegant. It tells consumers exactly what they want to know in an engaging and inspiring way.

5. The Eames by Enso 

best interactive websites

This informative website gives users a peek into the lives of two legendary designers that made an impact on the world of web design. And it pulls out all the stops to ensure users get a fully immersive and engaging experience from start to finish.

With motion and fluid animations, users are welcomed with a history lesson that is as exciting as it is informational.

This website uses stop-motion graphics to pull you in, as well as a deep and dark color palette to up the mystery and keep you engaged. Check out best motion graphics in web design in this article.

Scroll up and down with your cursor, but don't expect outdated and unoriginal up and down movement. Oh no, instead watch images slide left and right, grabbing your attention and making a statement. This out-of-the-box technique truly takes you on a journey through the lives of these designers in a highly interactive and immersive way.

There are no videos, there are no jarring graphics. It's free-flowing and open and smooth.

This use of seamless movement is a subtle and sophisticated way to showcase content that makes users want to learn more as opposed to feeling obligated or frustrated by the learning experience.

Get connected with the right web design agency for your project.

6. Nurture 

best interactive website

Nurture is a digital marketing firm that puts their design talent and creative ingenuity on full display with their web design.

Upon landing on the homepage, the baby blue background immediately pulls you in, but it's the white, moving illustration on the left-hand side that really staked a chord within you. First, it's the color -- which is calming and inviting. Then it's the thick, white block font that draws your eyes.

But then it's the bouncing animated N full of moving animations and clever illustrations. Within this 3D N are the different landing pages on the website -- from strategy to production to distribution and everything in between.

Arrows move the user along the journey, taking their eyes from section to section. These arrows move, guiding your way. There are also little drawings within the N that move and tell a story.

This design is extremely interactive and animated. And it forces the user subconsciously to follow along, keeping them on the page longer than they may have otherwise been there for.

Once you click on a specific page to follow, a popup screen comes up with a more elaborate cartoon animation taking center stage. Beneath is a section of black and white copy that further elaborates the ideas.

The subtle animations, calming color scheme and clear typography of this design makes it one that's hard to ignore.

7. Black Negative

best interactive website design

Black Negative aims to "make the web a better place" and their website design certainly achieves that.

This web design agency pulls you in almost instantly once you land on the homepage. The first thing you're greeted with is a page that is made up entirely of a video -- a video of the treetops in the forest. The sun is peeking through. It's enigmatic and engaging and beautiful.

Layered on the video is a headline stacked on top of each other: Telling Fascinating Stories. Each of these words moves as you hover over it and can be clicked on. Once clicked, they reveal a short line of text about their mission as an agency.

To learn more about the work this team does, you have to scroll from side to side which is a unique and extremely interactive way to get people involved and get users more interested in learning more about what this agency can possibly do for them.

Striking photography and seamless videos play as you scroll from side to side in a grid-like structure. Small boxes of white space lie on these pages with the minimal copy to give you an idea about their services.

Similarly, the more you scroll, the more information begins to quite literally pop into your field of vision. This copy is layered onto these visuals in a very attention-grabbing way. There is no taking your eyes off of the beauty of this photography, video and design talent.

The interactive qualities of this website, paired with stunning visuals, makes it difficult to look away. If you're looking for an agency that can stun with their digital work, this is the one for you.

8. Cocainenomics by WSJ 

Cocaineomics Interactive Website Design 2023

This webpage, created by The Wall Street Journal, depicts the story of the Medellin cartel. It's a sponsored website created for the hit Netflix show Narcos. And right from the start, the grittiness of this story is highlighted.

A black background with white snow-like specks litters the screen. Then, the white fluff flies together to spell out the word: Cocainenomics. It's obvious at this point that the white coloring is meant to look like cocaine.

To heighten the interactivity of this design, the creators made it possible to play around with the header. If you run your cursor over the name, the cocaine gets displaced and flies around. It's a minor effect, but it's noticeable.

You're then prompted to scroll down, and a map of sorts pops up, with arrows images and copy taking you on a story about some of the most infamous drug lords our world has ever seen.

As you scroll, you're confronted with big, bold black copy that is scratched and gritty. Vivid photographs and bright color splash across the screen, keeping you scrolling down the page and through the lives of these criminals.

Videos, animations and other illustrations continue to pop up the farther down the rabbit hole you do. This movement and depth really add a level of authenticity to the content on the page that makes you want to learn more.

The movement of your mouse sets the stage for the experience you will have. You have to keep scrolling and keep learning to see the new animations, maps and designs that hit the screen.

Considering this web page is essentially a history lesson, the designers behind it knew that they had to play around with user interactivity in order to keep people engaged. Even if you love history, having a little fun doesn't hurt either.

And in this design, it makes the experience iconic.

9. 30 Species, 30 Pieces 

unique interactive websites

Animal conservation and animal cruelty are hot topics that have made headlines almost weekly in the last few years. Whether it's about horrible treatment in facilities or the killing of endangered animals, it's important to a lot of people to inform and educate the masses about what they can do to ensure our planet and its animals remain safe and protected.

That's where the website 30 Species, 30 Pieces comes in. This online interactive exhibition depicts the cycle of extinction that animals have undergone as a result of human intervention.

The main page is made up of a black background and a reddish pink moving color gradient of a website title. You're prompted to start the exhibition, and once you click explore, the fascinating designs take over

Little geometric pieces begin flying across the screen, ending by forming themselves into an animal that has become an endangered species.

These designs move slightly as you sit on the page, and you are then able to play around to learn more about the animal, about its history and about what you can do to prevent extinction.

You can cycle through all the animals, watching these multicolored shapes fly across the screen. You can stop on a specific animal. You can choose to let sound guide your journey as well.

The options are endless within this design, and there is seemingly unlimited opportunity for users to interact and make this experience specific to them. Users are able to get the experience they want with this website, and the designers did a great job letting users personalize their journey.

Trying to inform and educate can often come off dry and bland. But this design does so in an engaging, exciting and emotion-evoking way.

10. Feed Music 

interaction design websites

Music has the power to transform, but that didn't stop the website designers behind the Feed Music website from having some fun with other interactive and inspiring elements.

The homepage opens up with a black screen with a smoke-like image settled into the background. Layered on this image is the mission statement of the company that scrolls like the Star Wars opening. As your mouse moves so does the text.

It enters and exits the screen, fading in and fading out while simultaneously growing and shrinking in size. You have to scroll to see more text, so you feel compelled to do so.

Once you finish reading through the mission statement that takes over the main page, you're transported through stunning transitions to the rest of the website where you learn more about Feed Music. You're welcomed with this information with even more animations.

Scrolling is vital to this design, as you can't learn more if you stop. Scrolling is what motivated the animations to move and the text to appear. If you stop scrolling, so does the movement of the website.

This forces the user to constantly be engaged. They can't stop interacting otherwise they stop gathering the information they're looking for. This is a great way to get users to remember the content they are looking at as opposed to just aimlessly scrolling through. And it sure is a design to be emulated. 

Why Interactive Website Design Is Important

Interactivity adds an element of fun to a design -- and when it's added to a website design, the results can be extremely satisfying.

User interactivity leads to more traffic, longer on-page times, increased brand awareness and allows brands to show off their creativity. It's an engaging and immersive way for brands to guide users to the information they want them to see.

Creating successful web pages is so much more than search engine optimization and quality content. It's about the whole package. Brands need to integrate a responsive design on desktop and mobile apps through the use of interactive media. That's where human-computer interaction comes in to play which gets people involved on a deeper level. 

These 10 brands have added interactive elements that are inspiring, insightful and impactful. They lead users to the right information in a seamless and fluid way. They inform users about issues that they might have otherwise looked past. They showcase content in a way that forces users to interact and learn more.

As our world becomes even more mobile-first, and brands are forced to do more in the realm of design, interactivity is going to continue to grow. That's because it's impactful, powerful and unique. These elements set brands apart from the rest and align them as leaders.

Brands should begin integrating these interactive and mobile-friendly website elements into their own designs in order to stand out and make a statement. Not only will it cause an emotional reaction within them, but it will keep you in their minds going forward.

With these 10 websites as inspiration, you should be able to add some fun and flair to your website designs with ease.

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