2 Dogs and a Laptop
Remote Office, Greensboro, North Carolina 27455, United States
2 Dogs and a Laptop
2 Dogs and a Laptop Overview
Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
2 Dogs and a Laptop is based in Greensboro, North Carolina and serves non-profits and small businesses with the high-quality web services they need to compete in today fast paced, driven business world.
We understand how to create business websites that are engaging and responsive with the ability to connect customers to clients. Our expertise will help to ease your concerns and challenges of creating a strong online presence, so that you can focus more fully on your business.
Our diverse background of education and technology allows us to help you build what you need by providing:
* Creativity
* Problem solving
* Strong communication
We understand how to create business websites that are engaging and responsive with the ability to connect customers to clients. Our expertise will help to ease your concerns and challenges of creating a strong online presence, so that you can focus more fully on your business.
Our diverse background of education and technology allows us to help you build what you need by providing:
* Creativity
* Problem solving
* Strong communication
2 Dogs and a Laptop Services
Areas of Expertise
- CMS Platforms
- SEO Expertise
- Site Builders
- Web Design Expertise
CMS Platforms
CMS Platforms
- WordPress
SEO Expertise
SEO Expertise
- Local Optimization
- On-Page Optimization
- SEO Consulting
Site Builders
Site Builders
- Wix Web Design
Web Design Expertise
Web Design Expertise
- Landing Page Design
- Responsive
- Website Redesign
- Nonprofit
- Pets
- Education
- Corporate Services
- Arts
- Media & Communications
- Wellness & Fitness
Client Types
- Startups
- Small Businesses
2 Dogs and a Laptop Clients
- mah jongg fever, inc
- k9 otc of essex county
- wiser medicare
- family service & childrens aid