Alma Estrada

Alma Estrada

Creating meaningful digital experiences that matter.

Remote Office, Chicago, Illinois 60007, United States

Alma Estrada Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
My philosophy starts with empathy as the driving foundation in any design process, and I do everything in my power to capture users' needs and desires to deliver eye-opening products and services.
My case studies demonstrate my empathetic approaches to user-experience design that ultimately deliver value back into organizations.

Coming from a marketing background, I can comprehend how finding key user pain points and putting the user first are of utmost importance while meeting business objectives. With curiosity to build products, my keen interest in user research, prototyping, and user testing continues to grow.

Teachable by nature, I am eager to learn new things within the UX world. Interest in UX design came after taking a class in college on how to build mobile apps. This sparked my curiosity to learn more and UX design became a delight.
In my spare time I set aside 5 hours a week to study all things UX through Uxcel.
Remote Office, Chicago, Illinois 60007, United States

Alma Estrada Services


  • Education
  • Government

Alma Estrada Clients

  • Gabriel Crypto
  • U.S. Census Bureau
  • RDAV Church