Brad Booth Media
A full time nomad capturing moments that make you say Dude.
Remote Office, Orlando, Florida 32789, United States
Brad Booth Media Overview
Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Since graduating from the University of Central Florida with a BA in Business Administration in 2014, Brad has spent most of his professional life living in hostels, vans, cars, boats, tents, and pretty much anything that isnt a house. Though this has robbed him of the comfort of daily showers, it has likewise allowed him ample time to explore the world at large and hone his craft to reflect scenery and experiences that are often difficult to put into words. Through his art, Brad hopes to immortalize timeless moments from his nomadic lifestyle, acknowledging that the privileges afforded to him are only afforded due to a unique combination of circumstantial opportunities, but that these moments nonetheless reflect a shared experience - a need to be awestricken by people and communities everywhere. As he ventures from sand to stone to the ocean, from the fender of a Kia Sportage to the cabin of a sailboat, he embarks with the goal of universalizing his adventures for all who wish to experience them.
The work of the Romantic poets and artists of the late 1800s was characterized by raw, unfettered emotion, as well as the futility of the efforts of man in the face of the uncontestable power of nature. Brads subjects often tackle this conflict head on, as illustrated in his landscape photographs and videography, detailing a release from the oppression of an increasingly industrialized world. Simultaneously, Brads work strives for a mastery of a world that is becoming increasingly digitalized, shunning an antiquated need for alienation in order to embrace the natural world in fostering channels via which to communicate the awe that it inspires.
The work of the Romantic poets and artists of the late 1800s was characterized by raw, unfettered emotion, as well as the futility of the efforts of man in the face of the uncontestable power of nature. Brads subjects often tackle this conflict head on, as illustrated in his landscape photographs and videography, detailing a release from the oppression of an increasingly industrialized world. Simultaneously, Brads work strives for a mastery of a world that is becoming increasingly digitalized, shunning an antiquated need for alienation in order to embrace the natural world in fostering channels via which to communicate the awe that it inspires.
Brad Booth Media Services
- Consumer Goods
- Sports
- Travel
Brad Booth Media Clients
- Primitive Farms
- Home Books