Core Networks

Core Networks

427 N Theard St, Covington, Louisiana 70433, United States

Core Networks Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
For over 18 years, CORE Networks has been an established computer & telephone support company and trusted partner to hundreds of businesses.

You simply can’t last that long in business without being AWESOME at what you do. Customer service is our specialty. Give us a call and see for yourself why we keep clients for life!

We’re much more than a bunch of computer geeks. We’re a group of professionals with a passion for working hard and helping ensure our clients have efficient technology and customer support. We also like to have fun too! Let our positive attitudes be the only thing to infect your office. We’ll ensure it.
427 N Theard St, Covington, Louisiana 70433, United States

Core Networks Clients

  • Financial Industry
  • Real Estate Industry
  • Technology Industry
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