Different Resonance

Different Resonance

Helping you make more meaningful connections with your audience.

C4DI, 31-38 Queen Street, Hull, HU1 1UU, United Kingdom

Different Resonance Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$1,000 - $10,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded

It is estimated that we see 5,000 - 10,000 ads ever day!
Now, this figure includes every time we see any message from a brand, for example a logo on a pair of shoes.
But still, that figure is staggering.
No matter what size your business is, you're competing for your ideal customer's attention with these other 'ads'.

So, normal isn't going to cut.

Bland isn't going to stop them.

The obvious won't be enough.

That's where we come in!

We'll help you educate, entertain and persuade your audience. Whether that's online or offline, video or text, B2C or B2B.
Look beyond the obvious and start your journey with us,

C4DI, 31-38 Queen Street, Hull, HU1 1UU, United Kingdom

Different Resonance Services

Different Resonance Team Bios

  • Director
    Matt Johnson
    Matt, founder, leader and wearer of all hats at Different Resonance.

Different Resonance Clients

  • Language Is Everything
  • Newhay
  • MediMusic