Genie in a Website

Genie in a Website

The website with unlimited wishes inside. Click right on your own website to request changes!

102 W Eufaula St Suite 200, Norman, Oklahoma 73069, United States

Genie in a Website Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Under $1,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Genie in a website grants business owners the freedom of a personalized site with a professional build and free content updates anytime! The average cost in 2022 for a professional small business website project is $5-8k, and expect to have to pay at least 50% of that upfront, the rest at launch.

With Genie in a Website, we will build the same quality website for you at an easy-to-afford monthly rate instead. NO big upfront cost. NO responsibility to manage after launch. NO worries about getting out-of-date over time. Don't spend thousands on another website that you'll be left to manage and maintain by yourself and loses value and gets more buggy as time goes on.

We’ll design your new custom-made website to appeal to your target market and make a great impression on both desktop and mobile. Grow your business with our marketing services for search optimization, email & social marketing.

Most potential customers are searching for your products and services online. They will research solutions, compare companies, and decide on their short-list of options – all BEFORE interacting with you or your competitors. You need to be there when they search. When they select your site to view, that site should be able to provide the best content to answer their questions and have excellent online reviews.

Statistics indicate that a potential customers will need to see your brand several times before they buy. Your site will need to help guide and educate them as well as softly pushing them through the decision between your site and a competitor.

With our quick tips and personalized service, you have an opportunity to keep up to date with the latest strategies for marketing to and capturing your ideal demographic. Have any reservations about getting started? You’ll be thrilled with our services, and if you aren’t satisfied during the first month, we’ll refund your investment.
102 W Eufaula St Suite 200, Norman, Oklahoma 73069, United States

Genie in a Website Services

Genie in a Website Clients

  • Passion Electric
  • Nurture Day Spa
  • Moore Public Schools Foundation
  • Canine Sports Academy
  • Parent Promise
  • 2 Green Chicks
  • Secrets of Sushi
  • Sparrow Project
  • Highgrade Labs
  • Fearless Fire