Henry Szames

Henry Szames

I have been working in the creative field for over 10 years.

Remote Office, Rio de Janeiro, 20000-000, Brazil

Henry Szames Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
I have been working in the creative field for over 10 years, with experience in various activities, from designing printed materials and packaging to managing websites, email marketing, and social networks.

After working in large companies, today I work as a freelancer, creating visual identity projects, websites, and other graphic materials for entrepreneurs in different segments, such as education, health, and sports.
Remote Office, Rio de Janeiro, 20000-000, Brazil

Henry Szames Portfolio

  • Henry Szames - Odonto Nit
    Web Design
    Odonto Nit

Henry Szames Clients

  • Isa Giani
  • Step Forward Coaching
  • carioca popcorn