HomeTown Tech Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
HomeTown Tech provides the most secure managed technology solution for small businesses in central Iowa.

We strive to be the go-to solution center for all of your small business information technology needs. With nearly fifteen years of serving our community through on-site tech analysis, data security, hardware and software support, cloud storage, and a local presence in the heart of Ames, we are here to work for you.

Our innovative approach to information technology support is designed to alleviate the pressure of maintaining your business tech needs through preparation, education, and protection. We make you our number one priority, so youre able to engage more fully with your business - with less downtime, increased security, and more streamlined processes.
305 Kellogg Ave, Ames, Iowa 50010, United States

HomeTown Tech Services

HomeTown Tech Clients

  • IT Industry
  • Small Business Industry
  • Fintech Industry