iocod infotech

iocod infotech

Transforming your creativity with streamlined programming solutions

Ground Floor ,CyberPark (Sahya), Kozhikode, 673016, India
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iocod infotech Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded

Welcome to a world of endless possibilities in software solutions! Our team of highly talented and creative programmers with exceptional problem-solving skills are dedicated to helping you navigate the complex terrain of digital transformation. Whether you require a customized solution that meets your unique preferences, or need a modular, scalable, and secure product that delivers remarkable results, we've got you covered. With our Laravel, Node.js, Vue.js, Nuxtjs MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDb, and Flutter developers, we provide transformative solutions that help you achieve your digital goals, leaving your competitors far behind. We offer maintenance and support services that take care of the challenging, continuous process of your digital transformation. Jump in and create a positive impact on your customers with our cutting-edge digital solutions.

Ground Floor ,CyberPark (Sahya), Kozhikode, 673016, India

iocod infotech Clients

  • IT Industry
  • Fintech Industry
  • Standard Technology