Lexis Solutions

Lexis Solutions

Software development experts

10 ulitsa "Bratya Chakrin", Sofia, 1700, Bulgaria
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Lexis Solutions Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$1,000 - $10,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded

You've been looking for a technology partner, and Lexis Solutions is it. Lexis Solutions is made up of software development experts with a long track record and satisfied clients. We won't just follow instructions blindly. Instead, we'll let you know when something is illogical or could be executed more effectively.

By working with a boutique company that comprehends your needs and doesn't experience the communication breakdowns larger groups do, you can avoid all the issues with traditional development solutions.

As a result, we can implement your business plan or app idea without having to endure a tiresome series of weekly calls and ignored feedback.


10 ulitsa "Bratya Chakrin", Sofia, 1700, Bulgaria

Lexis Solutions Clients

  • Netsurf
  • OnnoPlus
  • Kreston Bulmar
  • StaffSquared
  • Mindance