Loebig Ink

Loebig Ink

Inspired by coffee creativity and music to provide SEO, web design and social media solutions

3820 Woodridge Ave, Silver Spring, Maryland 20902, United States

Loebig Ink Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
The domain name LoebigInk.com was registered alongside the name "Loebig Ink" when it was first created in 1999 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I had no idea at the time that a straightforward hobby website would grow into a full-service web design firm with a consulting practice backed by more than ten subcontractors and a plethora of referral sources.

Based in Richmond, Virginia, Loebig Ink was established in 2010 as a full-time online consulting company with the guiding principles of honesty, reliability, and lack of sleep. We refer to it as the "midnight club." In 2012, the company relocated to the Washington, DC area to Bethesda, Maryland, where it expanded its staff of professionals in social media, SEO, web design, and graphic design.
3820 Woodridge Ave, Silver Spring, Maryland 20902, United States

Loebig Ink Clients

  • Mobility & More
  • Thesus Health
  • Baked Mastery
  • Destination Health