Mary-Kate Taylor

Mary-Kate Taylor

Design the Stuff that Shines you.

Remote Office, Rochester, New York 14602, United States
Mary-Kate Taylor

Mary-Kate Taylor Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Since I was a kid, I have always enjoyed illustrating and have made it a big part of many of my projects. Though illustration will always have a piece of my heart, I have found other loves; color, shape, organization, and hierarchy are just a few. A surprising discovery was learning how much I loved the structure of code and being able to find a solution. 

Outside of work, I enjoy puzzles, reading, biking, doodling, and playing piano. I can often be found lounging somewhere in the sun, drinking in hand, and hanging out with my cat. 
Remote Office, Rochester, New York 14602, United States

Mary-Kate Taylor Services


  • Music
  • Entertainment
  • Software & IT Services

Mary-Kate Taylor Clients

  • Happy Goat Dispensary
  • Omnia Design Co.
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