Origen Software

Origen Software

Next Generation Solutions

Remote office, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa

Origen Software Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$10,000 - $25,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded

At Origen Software, we strive to help individuals and startups bring their ideas to life by providing end-to-end services that cover everything from realization to release. Our team comprises specialists from various backgrounds, including design, UI/UX, web development, app development, functional testing, and more. With a team of highly skilled professionals, we can provide value quickly and reduce the time to launch.

Our team has worked with a variety of clients, including corporations, startups, banks, fintech, social platforms, and internal optimization platforms. With extensive experience in a variety of stacks, tools, and languages, including React, Flutter, Angular, Firebase, Ionic, React Native, C#, .NET, and Mongo, we can provide the best combination of technologies to rapidly build and scale your project.

Remote office, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa

Origen Software Clients

  • Fintech Industry
  • Healthcare Industry
  • IT Industry