Peaches & Lyra

Peaches & Lyra

Websites with personality.

Remote Office, London, E1W 1BQ, United Kingdom

Peaches & Lyra Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Web Design
- I design and build websites in Squarespace for micro and small businesses, sole traders, and freelancers. From actors to architects, carpenters to musicians; whatever your business I can help get your work online and accessed by your potential customers.

Actors Showreels Editor
- I edit actors showreels using existing video footage. If you were in a short film, feature film, TV programme, music video, television commercial or a filmed play then I can create an impactful showreel for you to use on Spotlight, your agents website or your own website.
Remote Office, London, E1W 1BQ, United Kingdom

Peaches & Lyra Services

Peaches & Lyra Clients

  • Rufus
  • Jo Cowan Yoga
  • East City Films