Proyecto IN
Helping business to increase their brand awareness online.
Mariano Escobedo 1629 Col. Miguel Hidalgo, Culiacán, 80090, Mexico
Proyecto IN
Proyecto IN Overview
Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$1,000 - $10,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
A digital marketing agency located in Culiacán, Tijuana, Guadalajara, and Cancún specializes in creating and applying strategies to improve the presence of your company online. We have over 10 years of experience, and we help you generate and execute marketing strategies to promote products and services. We improve your online presence through your website and digital strategies such as inbound marketing, content marketing, and e-commerce. We increase your company's return on investment. We specialize in web positioning to be in the top positions on Google and improve your online reputation. Depending on your budget, we can complement it with email marketing and Google Ads campaigns.
Proyecto IN Services
Areas of Expertise
- Application Platforms
- CMS Platforms
- Custom Frameworks
- Custom Languages
- Digital Marketing Expertise
- Low Code Development Expertise
- PPC Expertise
- SEO Expertise
- Site Builders
- Social Media Expertise
- UI/UX Expertise
- Web Design Expertise
- eCommerce Expertise
Application Platforms
Application Platforms
- Linux server
- Windows server
CMS Platforms
CMS Platforms
- Joomla Development
- WordPress
Custom Frameworks
Custom Frameworks
- .Net
- CakePHP
Custom Languages
Custom Languages
- C#
- C++
- JavaScript Development
- Unity
Digital Marketing Expertise
Digital Marketing Expertise
- B2B
- Content Creation
- Growth Marketing
- Inbound Marketing
- Lead Generation
- Marketing Strategy
Low Code Development Expertise
Low Code Development Expertise
- Bubble
PPC Expertise
PPC Expertise
- Amazon
- Bing
- Google Ads
- YouTube
SEO Expertise
SEO Expertise
- Amazon SEO
- Link Building
- Local Optimization
- Multilingual SEO
- On-Page Optimization
- SEO Consulting
- Technical SEO
Site Builders
Site Builders
- Godaddy
- HosGgator
- Hostinger
- Squarespace
Social Media Expertise
Social Media Expertise
- Social Media Consulting
- TikTok
UI/UX Expertise
UI/UX Expertise
- Interactive Design
- UX Strategy
Web Design Expertise
Web Design Expertise
- Adaptive
- B2B
- Mobile First
- Responsive
- Web App
- eCommerce
eCommerce Expertise
eCommerce Expertise
- WooCommerce
- eCommerce Consulting
- Entertainment
- Health Care
- Retail
Client Types
- Startups
- Small Businesses
- Medium Businesses
- Enterprise / Corporate
Proyecto IN Clients
- Taboo Sex Shop
- 832 Cash For Cars Houston
- Ceremonia Maya
- Argo de México
- Aire Ingeniería
- Clinica HAR
- Mesa Reservada
- Revista Gente Sinaloa
- Versacon
- Coppel