Always thinking outside of the box.
Waterfront 2000, 14 Drake Walk, Cardiff, CF10 4AN, United Kingdom
Rockadove Overview
Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
When you need a video, it makes sense to work with one that's professional, but still personal. And what better way to show your wedding guests that this day was special than with a wedding video? With Rockadove's expert team of videographers and editors, you'll have a finished video within days. You can choose when it's uploaded and how long it will be. All these details are up to you, but that just means we can get on with the fun stuff.
We are inspired by the idea that if you don't do something well, then it's only a matter of time until someone does. We pride ourselves in our ability to create videos that stand out from the crowd and are all about engaging your audience.
Companies House were looking for a video production agency to produce recruitment videos to help them attract the very best talent in a variety of roles, including digital.  Digital is a notoriously tricky sector to recruit in, especially with the likes of Google, Facebook, and Microsoft attracting the very best talent across the UK.  Companies House approached Rockadove because of our great reputation and in particular our vast experience in producing video content in the recruitment space.
We are inspired by the idea that if you don't do something well, then it's only a matter of time until someone does. We pride ourselves in our ability to create videos that stand out from the crowd and are all about engaging your audience.
Companies House were looking for a video production agency to produce recruitment videos to help them attract the very best talent in a variety of roles, including digital.  Digital is a notoriously tricky sector to recruit in, especially with the likes of Google, Facebook, and Microsoft attracting the very best talent across the UK.  Companies House approached Rockadove because of our great reputation and in particular our vast experience in producing video content in the recruitment space.
Rockadove Services
Rockadove Clients
- Small Business Industry
- Marketing Industry
- Advertising industry