SM Innovations

SM Innovations

Salesforce + AWS Partners

520 Broadway, Santa Monica, California 90401, United States
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SM Innovations Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$10,000 - $25,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded

Our company was established by former IBMx employees with the goal of significantly enhancing client performance. We are a full-service software consulting company that develops new concepts from beginning to end.

Our engineering and design teams, which are made up of some of the brightest and most creative young people in the world and have backgrounds and degrees from the best technology and management consulting firms, are the foundation of our success.

Every project we take on is staff by a dedicated, vertically integrated team that has been specially trained to meet each project's particular requirements. We are ultimately motivated by the idea that powerful technology can transform people's lives in significant ways.

We strive to further this idea with each of our projects. We are committed to consistently advancing

520 Broadway, Santa Monica, California 90401, United States

SM Innovations Clients

  • xQ
  • Addecco
  • AnavisRX
  • Nike