Symatech Labs

Symatech Labs

Integrated Software Apps

Fairbank Arcade 3rd Floor, Maimahiu Road, Nairobi, -, Kenya

Symatech Labs Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$1,000 - $10,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded

Our primary goal has remained the same since our company's inception: creating excellent software. We focus a lot of attention on the software's appearance, which is more important than how it functions.

Along with innovating where others believe it to be impossible and approaching every project, no matter how big or small, with equal vigor. It is our duty to go above and beyond what the client requires of us.

Fairbank Arcade 3rd Floor, Maimahiu Road, Nairobi, -, Kenya

Symatech Labs Clients

  • Longhorn Publishers
  • Quavatel Ltd
  • Water Company Nairobi
  • County International
  • Labour Organisation