

900 Beasley St, Lexington, Kentucky 40509, United States

Zipie Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$1,000 - $10,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Zipie is a full service digital marketing and branding agency based in Lexington, Kentucky.

We help businesses solve problems. As a full service digital marketing agency, we can tackle anything you need. We have the minds to come up with wild, creative ideas, and the services to execute every last inch of the strategy we build for you. We think marketing works best when all the pieces, services, and brains work together. Thats how we roll.
900 Beasley St, Lexington, Kentucky 40509, United States

Zipie Clients

  • Lexpark
  • Harper Woods
  • Volta
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