South Korean electronics giant Samsung just launched a new spot highlighting its Galaxy Watch 6's health-tracking abilities.
In the 30-second ad "Know Your Health Inside Out," viewers follow a Watch 6 wearer's sleep journey and observe what happens during each sleep stage. The spot uses mixed animation to bring life to organs, showing viewers how they process sleep.
During the REM sleep stage, the brain loudly exclaims: "All aboard the dream train!"
Meanwhile, the heart remains relaxed during deep sleep, and muscles twitch and may experience cramps during light sleep.
"Know your health inside out with sleep tracking on the Galaxy Watch 6," the narrator explains, as the smartwatch's sleep tracking features are displayed on the screen.
The "Know Your Health Inside Out" campaign was made with creative agency Wieden+Kennedy London, which partnered with the brand earlier this year.
W+K London Chief Creative Officer Hermeti Balarin explained the idea behind the campaign, commenting on the launch.
"In a world full of stress and anxiety, getting a good night's sleep can seem unattainable. With this campaign, we aimed to celebrate the Galaxy Watch 6's positive impact on everyday well-being in a way that felt fresh for the category by placing a particular spotlight on sleep health," Balarin concluded.
Edited by Nikola Djuric