Miha Matlievski, known as the "Fail Coach," is a business mentor who turned a $5 million debt into a lesson on growth, emphasizing the importance of learning from failure, developing soft skills, and servant leadership.
In DesignRush Podcast Episode 33, Miha Matlievski, the "Fail Coach," redefines leadership and success through the prism of failure and resilience.
This episode delves into the crucial importance of soft skills, the art of servant leadership, and the transformative power of learning from failures in today's rapidly evolving business environment.
90% of HR leaders emphasize the need for leaders to prioritize human elements, contrasting sharply with the mere 14% of CEOs equipped for the task. The episode underscores the urgency for leadership evolution with millennials set to dominate 75% of the workforce by 2025.
Despite the widespread acknowledgment of leadership's significance by 83% of companies, an astonishingly low 5% take concrete steps toward cultivating these skills.
Key takeaways from our discussion with Miha include:
- The indispensable role of embracing failures and managing expectations in scaling businesses
- Leaders must develop empathy, emotional intelligence, and other soft skills to nurture and grow their workforce effectively
- The concept is that most leadership skills are not innate but cultivated through dedication and continuous practice, with practical advice for aspiring leaders to develop these essential qualities.
This episode is a compelling listen for entrepreneurs, business leaders, HR professionals, and anyone looking to navigate the complexities of modern leadership and business growth.
It's now available on YouTube and Spotify.
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