What Is a Brand Symbol

What Is a Brand Symbol
Article by Bisera Stankovska
Last Updated: February 19, 2024

Have you ever picked up a product purely because its branding caught your eye? Perhaps the brand imagery even evoked fond memories. If so, you've experienced the power of a brand symbol.

Let’s explore the world of brand symbols — what they are, compare them with logos, and share some best practices for incorporating symbols into logos.

What Is a Brand Symbol?

A brand symbol is a visual element that represents a brand. It's distinctive and recognizable, often functioning as a character or mascot that’s easily associated with the brand.

That being said, a brand symbol can be a specific shape, a pattern, or an emblem. However, the most popular brand symbols are usually anthropomorphic, i.e., humanized — think of the Michelin Man or Colonel Sanders of KFC.

Either way, brand symbols can be:

  • Part of the overall logo design
  • Components of the brand identity
  • Standalone representations of your brand, serving as the main logo
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Brand Symbol vs. Logo

While both a brand symbol and a logo serve to identify a business, they are not the same thing. The key difference lies in their complexity and the scope of their representation.

A logo is an all-encompassing design that often includes a brand symbol and additional elements, such as the brand's name or initials and distinct typography and colors. It represents the overarching brand identity.

A brand symbol is a simplified, visual element within the logo, but it can also be featured independently. For example, in 2012, Microsoft expanded its wordmark logo to feature the legendary Windows emblem, functioning as the company’s independent symbol, but it’s now also a part of the logo.

So, while all brand symbols can function as part of a logo, not all logos contain a distinct, separate brand symbol.

Five Best Practices for Using Symbols in Logos

When it comes to incorporating symbols in logos, it's essential to tread carefully. Here are some pointers that will guide you in the right direction:

The Symbol Must Embody Your Brand Identity

Understand that each symbol carries a certain message. Build a compelling narrative around the symbols associated with your brand, but do note that all the imagery must align with what your brand is about.

Simply put, the symbol should represent your brand’s personality and resonate with your target audience. The Nike swoosh is a great example, which symbolizes motion and speed — core aspects of brand’s products.

Focus on Simplicity

A simple symbol is easy to identify and remember. It's also more versatile, easily fitting any format or size requirement. This practice gives a logo a clear, uncluttered look, allowing your brand to communicate its message effectively.

There's substantial evidence supporting the effectiveness of this tactic — minimalist branding tends to capture attention more readily and is easier to remember than complex designs.

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Consider Timelessness

A good symbol can survive the test of time, maintaining relevance even as design trends shift. The arrow in Amazon's logo, for example, signifies the company's promise of delivering everything from A to Z and has been consistently recognized around the world for decades.

Think International

Symbols can be interpreted differently across cultures and countries. The bald eagle, for instance, is a symbol many relate to the United States, but to Native Americans, it's a sacred representation of nature and spiritual communication.

Colors also adopt various interpretations. Always remember that cultural background and contextual understanding can shape interpretations dramatically. Make sure you thoroughly understand your audience as you consider your brand symbol options and research different cultures. This becomes even more crucial if your brand has an international audience.

Be Unique

When projecting your brand to the world, the significance of a unique symbol cannot be overstated. It's your visual handshake, an instant reflection of your brand's personality and values. A unique symbol creates a clear and lasting image in the consumer's mind, facilitating easy identification and brand recall.

What Is a Brand Symbol: Key Takeaways

Brand symbols inject a level of depth, making your brand memorable and relatable. Using symbols in logos improves brand recognition, but their use must be thoughtful and strategic. It's not only about artistic design but also about effective marketing communication.

Follow the best practices we discussed above or contact a branding agency — these firms can not only help you get your brand symbol right but also assist you in building your brand from the ground up.


How do I create a brand symbol?

Creating a brand symbol involves a measured blend of creativity, strategy, and research. Start by:

  • Defining your brand's core values and how you want your brand to be perceived
  • Thinking about the objects, shapes, and colors that represent these values — these can form the basis of your symbol
  • Considering your audience's culture, values, and interests to ensure your symbol resonates with them

Does my logo need a symbol?

Not every logo needs a symbol. The decision depends on your brand, its personality, and how you want to communicate it visually. A well-designed logo with just typography can be as memorable and effective as one with a symbol. However, if a symbol can better convey your brand's identity or make it more recognizable, it may be a worthy addition.

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