92% of B2B users are significantly more likely to make a purchase after reading a positive review from a trusted source. DesignRush ranked the top tech review sites and places to buy laptops online to help their readers find and purchase the right laptop for their needs.


DesignRush, a B2B marketplace connecting brands with specialized agencies, has issued the list of the top tech review sites and places to buy laptops online to help businesses make an educated choice in their tech selection.

From simple everyday tech to the most advanced laptops, these sites specialize in making specialized hardware purchases easier.

The top tech review sites in 2021 are:

SolutionsReview - solutionsreview.com

ItsGuide - itsguide.in

Craving Tech - cravingtech.com

PcSite - pcsite.co.uk

WWWhatsne - wwwwhatsnew.com

Tech Lingo - techlingo.co

Mashable – mashable.com

Brands can explore the top tech review sites by location, size, average hourly rate and portfolio on DesignRush.

About DesignRush:

DesignRush.com is a B2B marketplace connecting brands with agencies through expert reviews and agency ranking lists, awards, knowledge resources and personalized agency recommendations for vetted projects.

Looking for the Best Tech Review Sites?