Agence Bad Monkey

Agence Bad Monkey

Communication expertise in both - business and artistic settings

Avenue of Georges and Valentin Lemoine, Limoges, 87100, France
Agence Bad Monkey

Agence Bad Monkey Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$1,000 - $10,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Our recommendations are tailored to your requirements, your company's image, and the message you want to deliver.

We take the time to watch you, listen to you, and fully immerse ourselves in the image of your business before making any recommendations. We, the Bad Monkeys, sweep away all the rules and customs and provide you customized, original, and cutting-edge suggestions.
Avenue of Georges and Valentin Lemoine, Limoges, 87100, France
Other Locations
Châtellerault, Châtellerault, 86100, France

Areas of Expertise

  • Web Design Expertise
Web Design Expertise
Web Design Expertise
  • Responsive
  • eCommerce

Client Types

  • Small Businesses

Agence Bad Monkey Clients

  • AMP-Publishing
  • Leukos Laser
  • Creative Desk
  • Limouzy Combi
  • Cane Distribution
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