Andrea Ayensa
Transforming Visions into Captivating Designs.
Remote Company, Barcelona, 08001, Spain
Andrea Ayensa Overview
Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
My design process explores the potential of visual communication to create meaningful, original, and strong brand experiences. I'm interested in the hidden beauty of communicating great things in a simple and austere way.
I have worked in multinational advertising agencies such as Ogilvy, DDB, Young & Rubicam and clients such as  Volkswagen, SEAT, Porsche, Nestlé, Cinfa, Nenuco, Cuétara, Generalitat de Catalunya, Yosoy and Salvat, among others.
I have worked in multinational advertising agencies such as Ogilvy, DDB, Young & Rubicam and clients such as  Volkswagen, SEAT, Porsche, Nestlé, Cinfa, Nenuco, Cuétara, Generalitat de Catalunya, Yosoy and Salvat, among others.
Andrea Ayensa Services
Areas of Expertise
- Graphic Design Expertise
Graphic Design Expertise
Graphic Design Expertise
- Illustration
- Automotive
- Food and Beverage
- Publishing
Andrea Ayensa Portfolio
- Package DesignThe Good Boy
Andrea Ayensa Clients
- Porsche
- Nestlé
- Volkswagen
- Nenuco