eau³ | Branding + Marketing
Stand out.
030-3970 Saint-Ambroise, Montreal, H4C 2C7, Canada
eau³ | Branding + Marketing
eau³ | Branding + Marketing Overview
Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$10,000 - $25,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
We help businesses communicate their uniqueness to accelerate their growth, penetrate new markets, and stand out within their market niches to empower them to captivate, influence, convert, and inspire potential clients. Bringing together strategists, copywriters and visual artists, we combine the creativity of a marketing agency with the expertise of a consulting firm unlocking our clients competitive edge. We offer strategic guidance and operational support to create better outcomes.
eau³ | Branding + Marketing Services
Areas of Expertise
- Accounting Expertise
- Application Platforms
- Audio Production Expertise
- Branding Expertise
- Business Consulting Expertise
- CMS Platforms
- Creative Expertise
- Custom Frameworks
- Custom Languages
- Digital Marketing Expertise
- Graphic Design Expertise
- HR Outsourcing Expertise
- Low Code Development Expertise
- Managed Services Expertise
- Market Research Expertise
- No Code Development Expertise
- PPC Expertise
- Product Design Expertise
- SEO Expertise
- Site Builders
- Social Media Expertise
- UI/UX Expertise
- Video Production Expertise
- Web Design Expertise
- eCommerce Expertise
Accounting Expertise
Accounting Expertise
- Cost Accounting
Application Platforms
Application Platforms
- Amazon
Audio Production Expertise
Audio Production Expertise
- Audio Engineering
- Mixing & Mastering
- Online Audio Mastering
- Studio Recording
Branding Expertise
Branding Expertise
- B2B Branding
- Brand Design
- Brand Messaging
- Brand Positioning
- Brand Strategy
- Naming
Business Consulting Expertise
Business Consulting Expertise
- Change Management
- Corporate Coaching
- Project Management
- Strategy Consulting
CMS Platforms
CMS Platforms
- WordPress
Creative Expertise
Creative Expertise
- Casting
- Creative Copywriting
- Creative Strategy
- Editing
- Film Production
- Illustration
- Photography
- Voiceover
Custom Frameworks
Custom Frameworks
- Next.js
Custom Languages
Custom Languages
- Front End Web Development
Digital Marketing Expertise
Digital Marketing Expertise
- B2B
- B2B Lead Generation
- Construction Marketing
- Content Creation
- Copywriting
- Digital Advertising
- Marketing Consulting
- Performance Marketing
Graphic Design Expertise
Graphic Design Expertise
- Illustration
- Logo Animation
- Visual Communication
HR Outsourcing Expertise
HR Outsourcing Expertise
- HR Consulting
Low Code Development Expertise
Low Code Development Expertise
- Webflow
Managed Services Expertise
Managed Services Expertise
- Vendor Selection
Market Research Expertise
Market Research Expertise
- Interviews
- Market Analysis
- Surveys
No Code Development Expertise
No Code Development Expertise
- Creatio
PPC Expertise
PPC Expertise
- Bing
- Google Ads
- Google Shopping
- Remarketing
Product Design Expertise
Product Design Expertise
- Digital Design
- Engineering Design
SEO Expertise
SEO Expertise
- Local Optimization
- Multilingual SEO
- On-Page Optimization
- SEO Consulting
- SEO Outsourcing
Site Builders
Site Builders
- Squarespace
Social Media Expertise
Social Media Expertise
- B2B Social Media Marketing
- Social Media Consulting
UI/UX Expertise
UI/UX Expertise
- Dashboard Design
- Interactive Design
- UX Strategy
Video Production Expertise
Video Production Expertise
- Branded Video
- Motion Graphics
- Scriptwriting
- Storyboarding
- Video Directing
- Video Editing
- Video Filming
- Visual Effects
Web Design Expertise
Web Design Expertise
- Adaptive
- B2B
- Landing Page Design
- Mobile First
- Responsive
- Website Redesign
eCommerce Expertise
eCommerce Expertise
- B2B eCommerce
- Fintech
- Construction
- Corporate Services
- Health Care
- Manufacturing
- Insurance
- Legal
- Finance
- Electronics
- Design
Client Types
- Startups
- Small Businesses
- Medium Businesses
- Enterprise / Corporate
eau³ | Branding + Marketing Clients
- Doman
- Nuvei
- Previan
- Genius ERP
- Evnia
- Intelgo
- Humance
- Duvaltex
- Powerplay