Green Ginger Digital
Green Ginger Digital - Digital Done Differently with Green Ginger
Princess Street, Kingston upon Hull, HU2, United Kingdom
Green Ginger Digital Overview
Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$1,000 - $10,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Green Ginger Digital specializes in digital marketing and uses a data-driven, customer-first approach to connect customers to brands online. Our consultancy services can help you improve your digital marketing strategy and maximize performance, while our digital marketing services can manage and grow performance across all digital channels. We also offer bespoke training and up-skilling packages to support your internal teams and can assist in-house digital transitions.
Green Ginger Digital Services
Green Ginger Digital Clients
- Scholl
- The Range
- Which?
- Hallmark Cards
- Euroffice