Or Halevi Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
 Ive always said that I should have been born in the 50s, back when everything was simpler, when each color had a real meaning, the music, the clothes, the art, and the ability to stand out among all the noise around. Same as my art. I work with people who love aesthetics, who understand the power of simplicity, and who truly believe that the right experience can change it all.
Remote Company, Tel Aviv, 5912300, Israel

Areas of Expertise

  • Branding Expertise
Branding Expertise
Branding Expertise
  • Brand Design


  • Fashion
  • Health Care
  • Sports

Or Halevi Clients

  • Weirdos
  • Notforyou
  • Fiire

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