Position 1

Position 1

POSITION1 is full service digital marketing agency.

South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, California 92651, United States

Position 1 Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$1,000 - $10,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Our phones are ringing more and our guys are busier ever since we signed up with Position1 to handle our marketing. We look forward to our monthly updates and are excited to see the numbers each month of how we are doing.
It is especially nice to see now when we are experiencing a lot of pressure from our competitors to try and take our customers. It’s nice to take these amazing numbers to our manager and show him that the money we have been spending is paying off.
The overall Web traffic increase to our site has been remarkable. The increased traffic to our site has paid for itself and then some.
South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, California 92651, United States
Other Locations
Orange County Area, Orange County, California 92650, United States

Position 1 Clients

  • Health Industry
  • Banking Sector
  • Construction Industry