Rafa Dardengo

Rafa Dardengo

Graduated in Graphic Design and post-graduated in Information Architecture.

Remote Office, Sao Paulo, 05319-000, Brazil

Rafa Dardengo Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Under $1,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Graduated in Graphic Design and post-graduated in Information Architecture, I have experience working as a designer and in recent years I have been working more and more with experience in design and digital products. I have a huge interest in projects involving social causes and I enjoy working with the Brazilian consumer. I am currently looking for a new way of working, with more leadership and autonomy, and I have been reinventing myself as a designer, always thinking about context, strategy, and business.
Remote Office, Sao Paulo, 05319-000, Brazil

Rafa Dardengo Services

Rafa Dardengo Clients

  • Festival Delas
  • Gambo
  • +Municipio