Social Media Crew
Social Media done for you!
Bierbaumstr. 14, Munich, 81243, Germany
Social Media Crew
Social Media Crew Overview
Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Under $1,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
 Social Media Crew founded by Thomas Weber have worked as a consulting and implementation for European and national and local small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). His approach aims for targeted marketing communication and demonstrable sales success. Over 15 years of experience in the consumer products business (FMCG) in different national and international sales and marketing positions. Thomas Weber specializes in social media and real marketing for entrepreneurs, businesses, non-profits, and celebrities. With his work in online marketing, he demonstrates that "social media and influencer marketing" are not illnesses, but may nonetheless have a "viral" impact, "contagion," and are "social."
Social Media Crew Services
- Nonprofit
Social Media Crew Portfolio
- Social Media MarketingRLS e.V. Deutsche Restless Legs Vereinigung
- Social Media MarketingMiräneLiga e.V. Deutschland
Social Media Crew Team Bios
- Thomas WeberInhaber- Thomas gründete die Social Media Crew 2017- Dozent an der Münchner Marketing Akademie- Meta Business Partner- Google Partner
Social Media Crew Clients
- Münchner Marketing Akademie
- Alpha Folien München e.K.
- MigräneLiga e.V. Deutschland
- PFL Healthcare Ltd.
- EB Vertriebs GmbH
- Döring Werbung GbR
Social Media Crew Awards
- Google Partner
- Meta Business Partner