Studio 3 Design Co.

Studio 3 Design Co.

Your business is your brand.

Remote Company, Toronto, M1R 0E9, Canada
Studio 3 Design Co.

Studio 3 Design Co. Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Studio 3 is a small business passionate about working with your company to communicate your uniqueness. Leveraging experience, combined with strategy and design skills, I am here to help you with all things creative. Whether we're starting from the ground up, revitalizing or expanding an existing brand, together we will turn your business vision into a reality.

From the discovery call to the final handoff, every step in the Studio 3 design process is integral to the success of the final outcome.  This is why the process has been crafted and refined over the years to bring you a streamline, thoughtful, and tailored experience.
Remote Company, Toronto, M1R 0E9, Canada

Studio 3 Design Co. Services

Areas of Expertise

  • Branding Expertise
  • Graphic Design Expertise
Branding Expertise
Branding Expertise
  • Brand Strategy
Graphic Design Expertise
Graphic Design Expertise
  • Illustration


  • Real Estate
  • Fashion
  • Food and Beverage

Studio 3 Design Co. Portfolio

  • Studio 3 Design Co. - Ryan Wood Real Estate
    Logo Design
    Ryan Wood Real Estate

Studio 3 Design Co. Clients

  • Mikki Rae Little Ones
  • Becked Goods
  • Ryan Wood Real Estate
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