Total Idea

Total Idea

We Design Your Brand Success

43a Svetozara Miletica, Novi Sad, 21000, Serbia

Total Idea Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$10,000 - $25,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
We are a full-service Branding and Consulting Agency offering branding, logo and design, digital, project management and event planning services.

Our team consists of numerous outsourced associates in creative & project management services, and also partnering agencies for different types of services in branding, marketing, and project management.

Together We Design Your Brand Success.
43a Svetozara Miletica, Novi Sad, 21000, Serbia

Areas of Expertise

  • Branding Expertise
  • Digital Marketing Expertise
  • Product Design Expertise
Branding Expertise
Branding Expertise
  • Naming
Digital Marketing Expertise
Digital Marketing Expertise
  • Inbound Marketing
Product Design Expertise
Product Design Expertise
  • Industrial Design

Client Types

  • Small Businesses

Total Idea Clients

  • Steinbeis - Europa - Zentrum, Germany
  • Stanova Stanztechnik GmbH, Germany
  • Faculty of Sciences - University of Novi Sad, Serb
  • Klett Publishing, Germany, Serbia
  • European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vo
  • National Tourism Organisation of Serbia
  • Enterprise Europe Network Serbia
  • University of Novi Sad Serbia
  • Danube Books, Germany
  • Tourism Organization of Novi Sad, Serbia