8009 34th Ave South Suite 1100, Bloomington, Minnesota 55425, United States
Tunheim Overview
Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
$1,000 - $10,000
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
We use communications to help our clients solve their business challenges and get the reputation they deserve.
Well-understood organizations have the best opportunity for success. Tunheim leverages communications to help clients navigate the complex situations. We take on our clients’ challenges as our own and customize communications efforts to deliver results.
Tunheim was founded because talented people wanted to do interesting work. Since 1990, we’ve operated by the fundamental beliefs that well-informed people make good decisions and that effective communication is a critical component of successful business strategy.
We’re a certified woman-owned business and a member of IPREX, the second-largest independent global agency network.
Well-understood organizations have the best opportunity for success. Tunheim leverages communications to help clients navigate the complex situations. We take on our clients’ challenges as our own and customize communications efforts to deliver results.
Tunheim was founded because talented people wanted to do interesting work. Since 1990, we’ve operated by the fundamental beliefs that well-informed people make good decisions and that effective communication is a critical component of successful business strategy.
We’re a certified woman-owned business and a member of IPREX, the second-largest independent global agency network.
Tunheim Services
Areas of Expertise
- Digital Marketing Expertise
Digital Marketing Expertise
Digital Marketing Expertise
- Inbound Marketing
- Integrated Marketing
Tunheim Portfolio
- Digital MarketingMinnesota's Hospitals
Tunheim Clients
- Minnesota Hospital Association
- Minnesota Public Radio
- Cargill
- Sleep Number
- Dominium
- Super Bowl LII
- Coffee and Bagels
- Ryder Cup
- University of Minnesota