Zebra Marketing & Communication

Zebra Marketing & Communication

Clywedog Road South, Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham, LL13 9AE, United Kingdom
Zebra Marketing & Communication

Zebra Marketing & Communication Overview

Number of Employees
Under 49
Minimal Budget
Average Hourly Rate
Year Founded
Zebra Marketing and Communications (Zebra) is a PR, marketing and communications agency situated in Wrexham and Chester. It offers ongoing or project support to clients both locally and nationally, working with partners to provide a complete service.

The business manages all aspects of marketing, specialising in strategic marketing, copywriting, media relations and services relating to events, exhibition and conferences. Zebra will work with clients from any industry, however the company has particular experience within engineering and construction, utilities, third sector, sport, leisure and business services.
Clywedog Road South, Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham, LL13 9AE, United Kingdom

Zebra Marketing & Communication Services

Zebra Marketing & Communication Clients

  • Bodhi360
  • Stick n Step
  • Sherrington Associates
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