Codewave is a software technology services company, designing and engineering impactful solutions with trending digital technologies, giving businesses speed, scale and style. We love visualizing & designing modern, engaging online experiences, enabling brands scale beyond barriers & connect with people at a more human level.
Codewave was born with a vision to make every gig a UX led gig, to transform India which was once a land of do-ers to a land of thinkers.
In the last 5.5 years, Codewave has organically grown through referrals, touching over 200 businesses globally, not only proving a sustainable business model, but also creating the roots necessary for scale - a revolutionary culture that can be replicated to scale, that inspires us to create a more inclusive, transparent & empathetic world.
Codewave celebrates 'authenticity & self discipline' of individuals, by actively practicing 'responsible, participative leadership' through opportunities at work. With a strong culture of transparency & empathy in business and with an atmosphere that encourages rise of personal leadership, Codewave aims to be a highly progressive workplace, driving high levels of team success and customer success.
1) Leadership Cafe': Promotes Voice of the individual & self expression
2) Humans of the Digital Age: Promotes 'Digital thinking' for positive social change
3) Peerly: Promotes taking critical feedback at every moment of opportunity & continuous growth
Create a social model foundational to raising human consciousness through business.